It’s Been an Interesting Year or So…(a bit of a whinge)

Hello to the dozen people who follow this blog, my ex husband’s weirdo attorney, and his “owner” (I’m assuming that the last two I’m greeting still have nothing better to do than play C&P with my words, to bolster their already-inflated opinions of themselves).

I lost my love of writing well over a year ago, when I realized the aforementioned were using my blog to hurt my children…they didn’t succeed, of course (my children are not idiots), but it did effectively seal off something that was always very important to me before.

Well. I’m back at it.

Yesterday I had a general health visit with my new PCP. After being weighed in (which was REALLY a downer), I had my visit and she told me that I needed to be tested for rheumatoid arthritis.

Apparently, it’s not enough that I have *regular* arthritis (thanks, Mom), now I might have to come to grips with an autoimmune disorder.

Like an idiot, I went to WebMD. I discovered there that not only is it likely that I have RA (slow healing skin thingies, anyone?) but I probably also have cancer. And a brain tumor. And progeria.

But anyways, great. Something ELSE is going on that will ultimately define me to new acquaintances.

First, I was Single Mom. Then, when new friends/potential boyfriends discovered how MANY kids I had, I was Single Mom With Too Many Kids. Then it became Single Mom With Too Many Kids And Some Are Disabled, which morphed into Single Mom With Disabled Kids Who Is Bipolar And Is Therefore Too Crazy To Date.

NOW I get to be Crazy Single Mom With Too Many Disabled Kids AND Creaky Bones.

I’ve had arthritis for years, and most of the time I manage to gimp along with my knee brace and the fact that I refuse to let it define who I am, what I do, etc.

I have lots of other people who are only too happy to impose limits on me.

Yesterday was particularly discouraging because somehow I’d gained 20lbs since December. I have to assume it’s meds-related, since I don’t go around scarfing burgers and milkshakes. And one limit that I have to accept, is my bad knee…running, jumping, and cycling are all very painful to manage, much to my irritation.  Running has always been how I stayed active, and I really miss it.

And, needless to say, my dating game has been seriously squashed…if I had a dollar for every guy who lost interest after realizing how much I have going on…sigh.

Okay, whinge is over. I’ll be more interestingish next time.

Musings from my past…**

In 2012, two interesting things happened: A facebook post of mine was copied, and sent to my son’s school…with a note stating that I was threatening one of the school’s employees (the nurse, specifically).  Here’s the post, sans comments(There are a few things in the comments section I am legally not allowed to mention on this blog at this time…isn’t the First Amendment WONDERFUL?):

lice story

The school did not think much of this “threat” and gave me the envelope with everything in it.

A while after that, a post I made on this very blog (since deleted, so unfortunately I can’t show it on here) was copied, and sent to a friend of mine. I have to assume the intent was to embarrass and/or humiliate me, but since it was sent to the wrong person, it was more funny than anything. And that friend was nice enough to give me that envelope and its contents as well.

I suppose I’ll find a use for those envelopes someday. Just not this year. 🙂

**disclaimer: I do not believe these actions were initiated by anybody related to me or my children. 

I had to add the disclaimer, since lately it seems if I don’t, there are people out there who will take the most random comments I make, and pretend they mean something that they do not. The types of people who wear pastels after Labor Day (cringe).

Have a lovely day!